An ever ending struggle

Life is an ever ending struggle of endless trials and tribulations.I believe in this capitalist world I am the only one who wants a bit of communism.You may say that I am crazy, but for an overweight girl to be going to work every morning is no joke.I didn't even have the best shoes standing concrete all day as well.So just imagine what I had been through.I felt as if I was a failure.We see those promotional videos of celebrities when they were younger, singing a karaoke while their mom is catching it all on camera and bam, Ed Sheeran is singing in front of millions. Or, John Cena holding his World Title when he was 12 in the exact way he held his 8th title when he won.For me? My destiny, as I feel it, was IBA. Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University. The pinnacle of success. The theatre of dreams. My whole life, I've waited, wondered, and prayed for one seat to be in my name. I've had sleepless nights, anxiety attacks, and everything a guy of my age should not have. I've gone through it all.

All for one chance at my dream. Oh, dreams don't come true, Ladies and Gentlemen. The funniest thing is, you can't blame anyone for your failures.You can't blame your father for leaving you when you needed him the most. You can't blame poverty, the reason why you had to work your ass off to provide for your family when everyone else was busy doing double courses for IBA. Neither can you blame your girlfriend whom you got to know about ten days before the most important exam of your life and broke your heart into a million pieces.

Today, she isn't here. She's somewhere, not knowing what it takes to put into words what I'm feeling. What I've written so far? Is nothing compared to what I'm feeling? I open Facebook and see my classmates standing first, fourth, eighth in IBA. The place where I craved to be. I see people giving out statuses thanking everyone who had supported them in their journey. Haha, support. The day you fail, your girlfriend won't be there. Nobody will. Only you will be there. Alone. Suffering. If you've read this far, keep my request and do one more thing. Run.Don't let anyone stop you. Distract you. Fill you up with hollow emotions of love and warmth. The truth is, you're nothing when you're not as successful as you thrive to be. Luckily times change, And I am not bragging or anything.But you all should take some inspiration for me.I am a no longer failure.After ten years now I am an entrepreneur and my company sells the best shoes for overweight women.Google it up.You will be amazed.


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