Good shoes go a long way

Shoes with good arch support  have always been thought to be extremely crucial; Specially for people like me.People who like to walk alone to oblivion.I walk alone usually.Walking alone is not that difficult as people make it believe it is.Sure it is a bit hard, even I won't deny that.But when we walked a mile with someone then coming back is surely difficult.As a matter of fact, the hardest walk maybe walking alone.But it is also something which makes you stronger.You see it is always better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.However, no matter what type of walker you might be making sure that you have the most comfortable walking shoes at your disposal.Trust me.It will make things much easier.However, no matter how much I may brag about walking alone, one thing is pretty imminent.And that is I am still scared of my past memories.We all have memories; some that we would love to keep alive forever and some that we would rather forget. As I sit here tonight I want you to know that the memories that I made with you will always be looked at with fondness. I sat down to write a letter to you and planned on burning it outside under the stars where we spent so many evenings chatting the nights away but then I decided I would post it to one of the places that brought you happiness in your darkest hours. As I was thinking about this tonight so much comes to mind and it brings me sorrow and pleasure all in the same breath.

There have been lots of tears and laughter since you left me behind but you gave me so many positive memories to always focus on that I am ashamed to ever feel sad. Even with that there are still tears when I miss you and laughter when something reminds me of you. I still find myself longing to feel you and I reach for you but I know I will never feel that in this lifetime. You listened and cried with me when I thought I couldn’t go on and you were strong for me when it was you that was leaving and not me. I reach for your strength and somehow in the last weeks I have found it. I know you told me not to be alone and that when I found a man that truly deserved me that you would smile upon my decision. Instead of searching I spent far too long rebuilding a wall around my heart. I didn’t fully trust the words you said to me and I was terrified that if I let anyone past that barrier I would break and never recover. I spent far too long as the wounded sparrow. I know you looked down frustrated as I would turn suitor after suitor away; men that had great integrity and potential, simply because I did not want to risk the heartbreak. I had finally let the wall down just like you encouraged me to do and I allowed him to invade my dreams and to possess me heart and soul. It was a magical feeling to dance the lover’s waltz and it was a privilege to be with such a charming partner. He took me to places I never would have gone without him showing me the way and I fell in love with the man as it broke my heart to be the one leaving you behind this time, compartmentalizing you to happy memories and a love that was so pure and true.

He made me laugh even when the tears threatened to flood and you know that is something I need from experience. I wish I could tell you that I am not heartbroken but I sit here tonight thinking about what I told you I wanted and how I found it and let it slip through my hands. I also sit here wishing that I didn't have to miss either one of you but I no longer long to be there with you as I once did because I had him here with me and things were so right. I no longer wish to bring you back because I know you are happy there just as I was happy here sharing myself with him. So what do I wish for you on your birthday? I wish you happiness with some hot chick there, a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Cake, and a Chicken Burrito from Taco Hell. I hope when you think of me you will smile and I will see the stars twinkle just a little brighter as your spirit lights my path along the way. Thank you for all you were to me, thank you for giving me the strength to continue along the path that has become my life’s lonely journey, but most of all thank you for loving me with an honest and pure heart.


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