The history of soccer cleats
The history of soccer cleats has always been an interesting topic that I was always interested in.Soccer is a global phenomenon sport but not everyone who plays it is aware of the history of it and it's humble beginnings.Now we may have the best cleats for soccer out there and we can get them so easily with just a click.But it wasn't always like this.The first pair of soccer cleats noted in history are those made for King Henry VIII of England, who ordered a pair from his Great Wardrobe in 1526. Pre 1891 nothing was allowed to project out of the shoes worn by a soccer player, a revision then leads to the use of small studs or bars and soccer cleats were born.It wasn't until the 1950s when Adidas introduced boots with interchangeable screw-in studs, which were made of rubber or plastic, this meant that depending on the weather and pitch conditions, players could have different studs on the same pair of cleats.
Original cleats were heavy and high-ankled, but a lighter boot with less protection became popular in South America and Southern Europe where pitches were less muddy and harder and this style eventually became used everywhere. cleats just came in one color for many years, black. Recently with new production materials and techniques and the popularity of cleats as a fashion and consumer item, any color has been possible.When did soccer cleats start, why and what years were certain features such as studs, blades, leather boots introduced? well, the timeline below should help you get an idea into the history of footy boots and the future of football boots will also be looked into.During the 1800's when soccer was at it's peak.This was the time when soccer became extremely popular in England.A majority of people were playing in work boots which were very hard and heavy and not designed for running or kicking, they often had steel caps which meant if you tackled someone and ended up kicking them by accident well you can imagine it wouldn’t feel very nice. Later on these cleats had metal tracks or studs put into the bottom of the boot so players had more grip and wouldn’t slip over, later on in this period the first ever official soccer cleats were made from leather, they were heavy and thick and went right up to your ankle. They would weigh around half a kilogram and double this when wet.Fast forward to today in 2017 we have the best soccer cleats that money can possibly buy. Also, if you are a soccer mom you need to stand for a long time. Make sure you have the best shoes for standing all day nike.
Customization and personalisation is bound to increase with it becoming the standard for a player to have their name and number on their boots at all levels not only professional but in semi-professional and even Sunday league. Blades rather than studs seem to be more popular nowadays and so this is likely to carry on. Professional footballers will continue to be paid to wear cleats and this is shown as a successful method for brands to advertise new soccer cleats to the masses, especially in big world tournaments where they will be on view to millions at a time. Latest innovations include chips and tracking in boots so players can monitor their performance online and via the phones.
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